
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Downton Abbey Made Me Cry!

                                                                     Source: via Lily on Pinterest

Hi everyone.
I had good intentions of writing a nice long blog post tonight after I watched Downton Abbey. Then I actually watched it...
Anyone else who was watching it tonight knows that it was pretty much the saddest thing ever. I feel pretty silly getting so emotional over a TV show, but I'm going to be honest, I sobbed. I'm actually still a little teary eyed well writing this.
I just can't believe that Sybil died! it's so awful!
Even though it made me cry and it's terrible and awful, I have to say, it takes A very good TV show to make me sob like that. Downton Abbey is probably one of the best TV shows that has been made. it's amazing. The only other TV show I can remember making me cry like that is Sherlock. But as we all know that's equally as amazing.
But yeah in any case, I'll try to write a good post tomorrow, I know I've been slacking on blogging. But tonight I just had to write this little blurb and say, as silly and stupid as this may sound
R.I.P Sybil.
So theres my Downton Abbey TV silliness for now. Night everyone

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