
Thursday, January 10, 2013

What I Wore Thrifting

Here's what I wore when I went thrifting yesterday.

                       Sweater: My mom gave it to be because she didn't like the fit, tags been cut out.
                                    Long sleeve shirt: No Boundaries, Walmart, bought for 3$.  
                      Jeans: Also, No Boundaries,Walmart, bought the same day as shirt for 5$
                                  (I got 2 similar pairs honestly they are awesome jeans)
                                               Hat: Vintage Jaeger, thrifted, 50 cents.
                                Boots: Vintage (80s?) London Fog, Thrifted, bought for a buck.

I will honestly say that some of my clothes do come from Walmart, I don't like to admit that. But as much as I hate Walmart, where I live I don't have much of a choice I kind of have to shop there. And some day when I'm not in the middle of no where and there are other stores I can shop at I will never go to Walmart. All that being said, I can honestly say that they do have some great mark downs on clothes. These Jeans I have 3 pairs all gotten for 5$ and I've had them at least 6 months and have worn them constantly, they show no signs of wear and are so comfortable!
Yeah so my trip to the thrift shop yesterday was pretty well a bust, only found a couple of little things, I got a locket which I'm pretty excited about, I love lockets. But basically didn't find anything exciting.
I love the old ladies that run the thrift shop, They are by far some of the nicest people I've ever met, and some of the funniest. They are all such characters. Usually me and my Grandmother go in on Saturday, we're know as their "Saturday People", We know them all by name at this point, and they know me so well that they will save things out for me, I have gotten so many amazing dresses thanks to them saving them for me.
When you walk in the door you're greeted by the smell of perfume with a hint of moth balls (if you're a thrifter you understand how wonderful that smell can be), and there is always music playing very loudly because most of them are kinda deaf. What music playing all depends on who's at the desk, one plays 1960's hippie music, one plays classical, one plays big band or jazz like stuff, and one listens to just about anything and makes jokes about it.
Usually you get greeted by at least 2 people working, and the other thrift shop regulars that recognize you always say hello.
Honestly the thrift shop is kind of my favorite place to go, it feels very homey, and I'm totally at ease and relaxed there. I know a lot of people won't understand that, but I know some of you out there will.
Any ways now that I've rambled about that, I'm going to head off.
Have a great day

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