
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day of Spring?

Happy spring everyone!
So today is the first official day of spring... Did some one maybe forget to remind mother nature about that?
Right now it looks so far from spring out. Last night we got blasted with a snow storm, and today it's still snowing and its cold very cold. But That's spring in Maine for you. And since the weather here is only nice (what I call nice) for maybe 3 or 4 months of the year, it just seems like eons since last summer.
Anyways on to some positive things! I've seen a few other bloggers doing a spring goal list so I thought it would be fun to do my own, so here we go!

1. Spring cleaning/get organized. So it's no secret that like stuff, but when you have a smallish bed room and you go thrifting every week, you end up with to much stuff. So at least once a year I try to do a purge. So chucking stuff, selling stuff and donating stuff will be first on the list. then cleaning, then finding ways to organize. This goal isn't really fun but it's a must.

2. Go outside more, I have no idea what I'm actually going to do outside, but I guess I'll figure it out. The one down to being outside for me is my skin. I'm so pale that I have to wear 100 SPF pretty much all the time, I don't tan I burn. Anyone else who's pale will understand. But I still enjoy the warm air so yeah more time outside!

3. Drive more on my own. This sounds so stupid, I've had my licence for almost a year and I still hate driving alone. Once I actually get out and drive on my own I enjoy it but trying to force myself to actually go out and drive... Well it's pretty hard for me. I don't know why it's just stupid. So this spring I'm going to over come that!

4. Thrift more. Okay so I realize this goal kind of goes against my first goal which is to get rid of stuff. But I really need to spruce up my summer wardrobe, and I need to find things for my shop. And well everyone else is spring cleaning too which means the thrift shops are full of great stuff! Plus I mean Thrifting is just plain old fun. Where else can you get 2 shopping bags of stuff and only spend 5 bucks?

5. Get a real job. I really really have to do this. I don't even care if it's a full time job a few days a week would be fine, I just really need to get my savings up, and plus I really feel like I better get some work experience under my belt.

So there are my spring goals! I know they all sound pretty silly but I am honestly excited to get started all on them. I have a feeling this spring is going to be one of my bests.
I hope it feels like spring where ever you are today. And if it doesn't, well then we should have an over the internet snow ball fight! haha.

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