
Thursday, March 7, 2013

What to Wear For St. Patrick's Day

Hi everybody! (imagine I said that like the guy on The Simpsons.)
So here is this weeks what to wear! This week we did a St. Patrick's Day theme. The day I took these photos was one of those days there just seemed to be something wrong with every photo I took. So these aren't the best photos but trust me they are better then most of them were. 
So any ways here is what I am wearing for St Patty's day.

Sweater, Mossimo Supply co., Thrifted, 2 dollar a bag sale.
Jeans, Brooklyn Industries, Thrifted, 1$
Shoes, I can't remember, Marden's, 2$
Necklace, Vintage, Thrifted, 25 cents 

So This isn't really an over the top Green St. Patty's day outfit. I wore my shamrock necklace. Because well it seemed to fit the theme very well. and the green in the sweeter seemed right. Okay if you can't tell I am not exactly overly excited for St. Patrick's day. I'm not Irish, well I might be who knows, but I'm pretty sure I'm not. I don't drink so green beer isn't appealing. but hey I did my best. And I'm not downing the holiday! There are some great things about it. Like Shamrock shakes and Mcdonalds,  I plan on drinking about 10 of those, they are just so good! And I love movies that are Based in Ireland, My favorite which I will for sure watch is "The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns". It's a Hallmark movie, and oh my gosh, it is so good! if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it! it's perfect for St Patty's day. And I mean who doesn't love a movie about leprechauns and fairies, and humans who help them? Any case it's a great movie. 
Oh and these jeans! I am in love with these jeans! I usually hate wide legged pants or flared pants, but these, oh are they amazing! I have to wear heels or high boots with them cause they are kind of long but they are so perfect, and they remind me so much of vintage jeans. They make my curves look perfect, the pictures don't do them justice! I just love them. 
Oh and don't worry I didn't wear the unpractical open toe heels outside, I spent most of the day wearing slippers but I wanted to show off the legs of these pants right so I put them on. 
Anyways I hope your all having a great day! And don't forget to check out what the other ladies are wearing

Nicole: Gypsy in Jasper


  1. So far every post I've read from the ladies says something about disliking this holiday. I love it! I feel the same way... although, I do love beer.

    I am in love with those jeans of yours. They're adorable.

    1. I noticed that haha. I'm drinking a shamrock shake right now so I'm pretty happy about the holiday at the moment.
      And thank you! =}

  2. Great sweater! and I love that necklace, so sweet! Why does everyone hate on St. Pat's so much, it's just a great excuse to head out for a good time with friends!!

    1. Thank you! =} I'm not a hater of it, Im just kinda meh about everything lately it seems.

  3. That pop of red is so cute, and I love that almost everyone in this group is like Meh to the holiday! Hilarious :-) I'll definitely check out the movie, though. Sounds like fun!

    1. Thanks! =} and I know its kind of funny, maybe every ones just stuck in the winter meh right now.
      and I hope you enjoy the movie! =}

  4. cute necklace! aaaaand, those jeans are sweeet!

  5. Wow! Perfect necklace! And looking at all of the prices another "wow!" - great job finding such nice value! :-)

    1. Thank you! =} What can I say I'm a cheap skate haha, I love a good bargain.


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