
Monday, April 15, 2013

Thrifting Haul

Hello hello
I thought I'd do a thrift shop haul post today. I was going to do these every month, but I let it slip because I just haven't been finding a lot. But now with spring cleaning and all it's picking up a lot. Here are some of my favorite finds

This little fish purse is just great! I'd never actually use it because is tiny and it doesn't open well but for 50 cents it was worth it!

Okay so this bird might look terrible (most of my family called it road kill) I just love it, its painted  cement I think, and I just think it's so cool! plus they gave it to me for free since it's so beat up.

I love old travel things and things about places. This has some great photos in it  and it looks really good sitting on top of my vintage suitcases. It cost me a a quarter.

I love vintage bags, I have a nice little collection, but this one I think might be my favorite so far, you can't see all the detail in this photo but it is just perfect. I think I paid maybe a dollar for it.

So I mentioned a few posts back that I had gotten some killer vests recently and here's two of them. Both look way better in person then in the photos but I love them. the first one is suede with that cool croquet detailing I think it will look great over summer dresses. the second one is Vintage and made of wool and pleather. I love how mod it is. I don't know how I'll wear it yet but I love it!  Both were in 2 dollar a bag sales

How could I say no to a vintage belt with light houses on it? for 50 cents I couldn't.
This belt is far to big for me, but I think I'm going to make a bracelet or something out of the buckle. 50 cents.

This dress is amazing. I know it looks terrible in this photo, but trust me its amazing. it fits like a glove and is vintage and perfect. I think it was one of the best dollar investments I ever made.

So there are a few of my favorite resent(ish) finds. As much as I love thrift shops I am really getting impatient for yard sale season to start, I miss those early Saturday mornings driving around and looking for sales. 
I know this is a really short post but I don't really have time to write much right now.
Have a great Monday everybody!

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