
Thursday, July 25, 2013

What to Wear - While Camping

Hi everyone
Here is another installment of What To Wear. I can't believe it's already Thursday! Where on earth did this week go? I really dropped the ball on blogging this week which really sucks. 
Anyways this week we are showing off what we wear well camping. I honestly went to Pinterest for inspiration, even though I just went camping I just couldn't think of a good outfit. I mean shorts and a t shirt, isn't that what everyone wears camping? So after lots of Pinterest searching I decided to take inspiration from all those old posters and pictures and such of people camping. You know the kind where the woman are always wearing dresses and such. I didn't grasp the vision as much as I would have liked but I think I did alright.

Dress, Thrifted, Vintage, 1$
Shoes, Marden's, Piper & Blue, 2$ or 3$

I had to have my vintage flash light in this post, I love it and it actually works though I don't have batteries in it. I also felt a little more like Nancy Drew in this then I did like a camper but oh well Nancy Drew is awesome. Oh and these are my first outfit photos taken outside! I was pretty proud but I knew I had to take them outside for this prompt. The bugs were horrid and my hair went flat very quickly but I was still happy. I definitely need some practice with outside outfit photos but at least I took the first step!
Don't forget to check out the other What to Wear ladies over at Nicole's blog Gypsy in Jasper and if you would like to join in our link up on August the 8th we will be showing off what we wear during as thunderstorm. That is a slightly weird prompt but I'm hoping I'll think of something good, usually I'm wearing jammies during thunderstorms. 
Here is some fun camping related stuff I found on Pinterest, Enjoy!

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