
Friday, August 2, 2013

What I Wore - Bad Apple

I know blogging has been pretty scares around here lately and I am really sorry! I'm trying to get everything on track and keep myself ahead in posts but I seem to always be busy with something, even though I'm not really that busy, does that make sense? 
Anyways I had all intentions of taking these photos outside under the apple trees in my yard, but the weather had other ideas, it was horribly windy then when the wind did calm down it drizzled, so I used my new dresser/dressing table thing. If you follow me on Twitter you probably saw the tweet where I said I'd gotten a cool project piece a couple of weekends ago yard saling, well this dresser was the project. It's a great vintage piece, but it was pretty banged up when I got it. I'll share my before and after soon, I'm still on the search for hardware for the top draw that will blend with the original hardware. 
Anyways on to the outfit!

Dress, Thrifted, XXI., 25 cents
Shirt, Marden's, Speeckless (I think thats what it says), 2$
Shoes, Marden's Maker's, 10$
Necklace, Gift
Belt, Vintage, thrifted, ??

So you can't really tell in the photos but this shirt has a really quirky cute apple print on it, thus the reason I was going to take these photos under apple trees. I was at home all day when I wore this outfit and I'm honestly not sure if I'd wear it out, the dress is a wee bit short and I have a feeling it would get blown around pretty easily. but I still love it, and maybe with a pair of tights I'd feel more confident in it. 
I almost didn't buy these shoes, I tried them on and loved them but i was hesitant, 10$ is more then I usually spend on well anything, and I'm not really the best at walking in heels, I'm working on it though. But I really loved these and I splurged. I'm actually finding them to be easy to walk in, still feel a little unbalanced but better then in most heels. Do any of you have suggestions for learning to walk in heels?
Oh and please ignore the fact that I don't have curtains hanging, I had a bit of technical difficulty with mine so I'm trying to find new rods and fabric. 
I hope you all have a great day!

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