Saturday, August 17, 2013

What I Wore - You're the Snake Hidden in my Daffodils

Just a quick outfit post for tonight. I know I haven't posted in over a week but some how time just seemed to slip away with out me realizing it. But oh well that's just life I guess. And I haven't really been wearing very exciting or photo worthy outfits. this was my best one all week.
We spent a good part of the week getting ready for our huge weekend yard sale but only ended up having it one day, because half of our signs got ripped down the first day and me and my mom were so burned out we just decided to forget it. We're going to donate everything that didn't sell the first day to an up coming charity sale, so at least it will all go to a good cause.
Any ways on to the photos!

Shirt, Burlington Coat Factory, Ali & Kris, 7$
Dress, Label Shopper, American Eagle, 10$
Shoes, Christmas Tree Shop,  2$
Headband, Family Dollar, 2$
Snake Bracelet, Vintage, Gift
Flower Bracelet, ???

I got these sandals last weekend at the Christmas Tree Shop. I had never been there before, and oh my goodness! I am in love with that store, they had so much cool stuff and so much more then just Christmas stuff like I was expecting. I highly recommend it, everything was so cheap!
I don't wear this snake bracelet half as much as I should, I mean I totally love it. It was a piece of me Grandmothers jewelry, and it's so great!I couldn't get my camera to focus on it, so you can't really see all the details but it had scales and detailed face and tale. It's just amazing.
I'm really starting to like layering shirts under dresses. I never used to like to but now that I've gotten some good layering shirts it just seems to be so easy for me. I mean I know you can see my bra through the lace of the shirt but, I mean it was pretty brightly colored. I love how the shirt has the fake leather collar and details with the lace, it makes it feel a bit edgier, And helps tone down how girly this dress is.
This out fit reminded me of the line from the All Time Low song "The Irony of Choking on a Lifesaver". Which is clearly why I used that line as the title. I have had the song stuck in my head since I took these photos. As some people have probably already figured out I'm a pretty big All Time Low fan. I could go into the whole story of why I'm such a big fan but I think I'll save that story for another day.
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. What are you all up to this weekend?

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