
Thursday, September 5, 2013

What to Wear - To a Baby Shower

Hello out there.
Here we are with another week of What to Wear, this time we're showing what we would wear to a baby shower. I have honestly never been to a baby shower, and I have no idea what people wear to them. 
I took these photos when we were having a rain shower, so I figured that it was appropriate. 

Dress, Yard Sale, Vintage, 1$
Shoes, Thrifted, 50 cents
Locket, Thrifted, Vintage, 50 cents
Assorted bracelets, Thrifted/Yard Sale, All Vintage.

I love this dress, it was one of the first vintage dresses I ever got. It doesn't get worn half as much as it should. You can't tell in these photos, But there is actually a frog and a lily pad under the flowers. I love that quirky detail, and if I wore this to a baby shower I would for sure bring a frog themed gift. The label on the inside says this dress is from Hawaii, which I think is pretty awesome.
These are also the last photos of me with long hair, I took the plunge a few days ago and had my hair cut short, into an angled bob sort of thing. I really like it and can't wait to share photos!
Our poor little What to Wear link up has lost a lot of steam lately, and I just want to remind you that if you want to share the outfit you would wear to a baby shower head over to Nicole's blog Gypsy in Jasper and add your link to our link up. On the 19th you can join our link up and show us what you wear to a bookstore! Don't forget to show the other ladies in the link up some love! 
When I first became a part of this link up there were over 10 people who would usually link up, but over the last few months it has slowly gotten less and less. Last time there were only four of us! I'm sad to see the link up shrink, but I'm hoping that it will grow again! 
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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