
Sunday, October 20, 2013

What I Wore - The Rut

Hello out there
I have been neglecting everything online terribly, and I am sorry for not being in the blogpsphere much lately, but I am going to make an effort to keep up better. I have truly just been stuck in a rut!
I've worn a ton of great outfits that I really wanted to share but I just never got around to taking the photos. 
But here is an outfit I did take photos of.

Shirt, Marden's, Jo Boxer, ???
Skirt, Thrifted, Vintage, 1$
Stockings, ????
Shoes, Marden's, Piper & Blue, 2$
Necklace, Hot Topic, 5$

Okay first off I would like to point out that my lip stick is not black its a very nice deep plum color, and I love it. I've yet to try black lip stick, but I do kind of want to. 
I love this skirt! I wore a few variations of this outfit through out the past couple of weeks and I have loved everyone. This skirt is just the perfect fit, and its such a nice wool skirt, it isn't even itchy, which is a huge plus.
I'm still batting back and forth rather I like my hair like this or not, some days I just love it, others I miss being able to pull my hair back. But I guess that is the nature of most people with their hair. 
I really am going to try my best to pull myself out of this blogging rut. I just need to get my emotions and life in check but that shouldn't take much work I can tell I'm almost out of my slump.
Well anyways I hope you all have a grand day!

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