
Thursday, November 14, 2013

What to Wear - Mixing Patterns

Hi everyone
I can't believe it's already time for What to Wear again! This week we are showing off our pattern mixing skills. I personally struggle with mixing patterns, I can mix colors or styles, but patterns I have a lot of trouble with. I always feel like I look like a crazy person, thus why I wore this outfit on a day I didn't go anywhere. But hey practice makes perfect, right? Oh and ignore the bowl and tray in the background. me and my mom have started on Christmas stuff so the living room where I take my photos is pretty well taken over.

Shirt, Marden's, 50 cents
Skirt, Thrifted, 50 cents
Belt, ???
Tights, Walmart, in the Halloween rolebacks, 75 cents
Shoes, Marden's, Mixx Shuz, 6$
Flower, Marden's, ??

The lighting the day I took these was horrible, so you can't really see the pattern on the skirt. It's a little sort of abstract flower pattern. 
Our Walmart still has a bunch of Halloween markdowns left and I scored a few pairs of tights for 75 cents. I was a bit hesitant seeing as they were for Halloween  costumes I thought they might not be the best quality, but i was really happy to find that they are exactly the same as any other tight, and they were so cheap! So if anywhere around you still has Halloween stuff marked down  I would highly suggested digging through it a bit, there is actually some great stuff to be found in it!
If you would like to show off your pattern mixing style you can find our link up over on Nicole's blog Gypsy in Jasper. And don't forget to check out all of the other ladies looks! If you can't make it this week we'll be back on the 28th to show of What to Wear Well Thrifting. I hope to see you then!
Have a wonderful day!


  1. I really like the skirt, shirt, belt combo you've got going on. It's super cute!

    Also, I'm all about marked down Halloween tights. Most of mine come from Value Village. They get new tights in every Halloween and they never manage to sell out! Last year I even found some fleece lined ones!!

    1. Thank you!
      And gosh fleece lined tights sound comfy!

  2. Hey there! I found your blog through the Totally Awesome Blog Hop!

    Your outfit is totally cute~ they way you mixed the patterns is great. I'm totally intimidated by mixing patterns... >.<;

    Hope you are having a terrific Thursday!

    1. Thank you! yeah pattern mixing scares me too but I'm trying to concur the fear.
      I hope you have a great day as well! =}

  3. Your outfit is super cute, and you shouldn't be nervous to wear it out! :) love.

  4. Love this combo and the pretty orange color!


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