
Thursday, February 20, 2014

What to Wear - Pop of Color *Fail*

Hi everyone!
Here we are for another week of What to Wear. I have to say I failed on the Pop of color prompt. When I took these photos I thought this outfit was a much bigger pop but looking back I realized it wasn't, but I didn't have time to take new photos I figured I'd post it anyways!

Sweatshirt - Walmart
Button up - Thrifted
Tank top - Walmart
Jeans - Thrifted -  Behold
Shoes - Marden's - Keds
Bow - Marden's

Even though this isn't the pop of color I thought it was I really like this outfit. I like being able to channel my inner child into a slightly more adult style. Plus I mean the fact that I have a hair bow that matches makes it so much better!
We've been getting a storm every other day it seems, which is causing rather a lot of cabin fever on my part. I seriously cannot wait for spring! I miss having bare legs and a warm breeze. But I guess I'll live. How are all of you holding up this winter?
If you'd like to link up your Pop of Color head over to Nicole's blog Gypsy in Jasper, and make sure to check out what all the other ladies are sporting! And we'll be back on March 6th with What to Wear - 100% Thrifted!
Have a wonderful day!


  1. I think, if nothing else, that bow has quite the pop!! I really like this outfit. It's so cute with the flannel poking out below the sweater.

    Cute! Good luck with the cabin fever. Careful not to go completely crazy! ;)

    1. Thank you! =} And I'll try but I'm pretty sure I already am crazy haha

  2. I think you nailed the pop of color and I love that your bow matches Minnie's :)

  3. Very cute!! I love the "Minnie" style! Quirky and fun!

  4. love the bow!! I have always been to chicken to try it out on myself!

    1. Thanks! You totally should try it it's not scary

  5. Adorably cute! I love this outfit!


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