
Friday, July 4, 2014

Eastport's Famous 4th of July House

Hi every one, Happy 4th of July! I think I used this same photo in my post last year on the 4th but oh well it's still cute and theme appropriate. 
So last weekend me and my mom went to a church sale. We picked up a few 4th of July decorations since we don't really have any. As the lady was adding up what we had she said "You know all those 4th of July decorations are from the "famous" Eastport 4th of July house.". Of course I know which house she was talking about, if you have ever been to Eastport for the 4th you know the house. The big house with a porch right on downtown Water street, the house and yard that every year were covered top to bottom with all things red, white and blue and patriotic.
When Eastport lines the streets with flags and that house is decorated, that marks summer. It marks the salt breezes, the ice cream, the long hot nights, the smell of sea roses, the nostalgia and all the childhood memories of summer. It is plain and simple a local icon of all things of festive and summer.
Nearly every year of my life I have gotten to see and enjoy that decked out house, but over the past couple of years that house has become a thing of the past, It's no longer covered in patriotic grandeur. Now once again it is just a house, only iconic to those that remember it.
I am glad that I have one small piece of that icon of my childhood, because it is something that no matter where I am or how old I get will always stick with me and in my memories it will always be The famous Eastport 4th of July house.
I hope you all have a grand 4th of July! It's supposed to rain and storm pretty much all day here, thanks to hurricane Arther, but luckily nothing as bad as they got in other places. Now to find a weather appropriate red, white and blue outfit. 
Have a great day and happy 4th!

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