
Sunday, February 15, 2015

I'm Baaackk!

Hello out there blogging world.
Well here we are 4 months after my last post, where I said I was going to blog more. Guess I dropped the ball on that one, oopsie. But here I am again to say, I am going to try, and feel free to pester me in the comments if I don't get back to it soon. 
Right now my darling boyfriend Sam is here with me staying for the month. We're in the middle of a blizzard right now and let's be honest for a minute here. Winter sucks, majorly majorly sucks. The storm isn't even over yet and there's a drift halfway up the kitchen window and climbing, I doubt by the end of the night we'll be able to see out the window at all haha. 

But anyways enough about the doom and gloom that is winter, lets talk about the doom and gloom that was this last Friday the 13th! 
As I said my boyfriend is here right now so we decided to do a little creepy Friday the 13th/Valentines day photo shoot for some fun and I thought I'd share some of my favorite ones here. 

Sorry this post is so photo heavy I just really loved these. We even managed to get Ollie in on the act and his face in that last photo is just so perfect. 
My Sam just started up his own blog The Haunter is in so you should go check him out, for a touch more of the dark quirkiness. 
I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day and that the winter is treating you well so far. I will be back soon with another post. 
Until then, have a wonderful day!


  1. I love how you mix romace with a dark theme.<3
    My plans for Valentine's Day were to stay in and watch scary flicks.
    The photos came out lovely and your furbaby is too cute! (>^.^<)

    Vegetarian Courtesy


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