
Thursday, December 31, 2015

End of the Year Life Update

Well hello there!
You know how I've said again and again (and again), that I was going to be better about blogging? Well I've failed at that. But here I am again with a new post, and to say again that I will be better about blogging, hopefully, we'll see.
My last post was almost a year ago I think... Oopsie.
Where to start, where to start. A lot and I mean a lot has happened in the last year. Starting with me and my boyfriend going on an epic (not really) search for an apartment. I could write a whole post about our apartment search and I probably will. We actually got interviewed in a newspaper article about our search, so if you want to see more about that you can HERE
After months of searching for an apartment we finally realized renting just wasn't in the cards for us and turned to buying. Us being long distance made it a touch hard to look at houses since we had to coordinate everything ahead of time and we could only get so many good chunks of time together to look since we both had to travel. 
But after spending a few weeks in Portland and looking tirelessly at houses at the end of the summer, we finally found one. Again, I will write a post about the story of finding our house at a later time.
And then finally after almost seven months of trying to find a place to live, we got to move in together. After nineteen months of being a long distance couple, we finally get to be together for good, it is positively amazing!

Well we were looking for houses at the end of summer Sam asked me to marry him! So not only did we get to move in to our new old house, we got to do it as an engaged couple! 
You won't see this little blog fill up with wedding plans though, don't worry. We haven't set a date yet and we aren't planning anything big. 
We're happy keeping it small because we have everything we could want right now, a little house to call our own, and a life to build together. 
2015 was a whirlwind. It held a lot of bad things, it was extremely stressful and emotionally draining, half the time nothing seemed to go as planned. But it was also filled with lots of good things, lots of happiness, and many new beginnings.

I don't really know what path this blog will take in 2016 so we'll have to see. I still want to post outfits and thrifting fun, but I think there may be more house things involved, and maybe more craft and diy posts, I don't really know yet. I've thought about maybe starting a new blog rather then continuing with this one but I just don't know. What do you think?

We'll see where it goes in the new year.
Also please ignore the lack of pictures in this post, and the fact that they are both cell phone pictures. My photo taking game has lapsed a little lately.
In any case thank you for reading and have a happy New Year!
Have a great day

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