
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What I Wore - Miss American Pie

Ello ello lovelies! 
Well I took these photos I had American Pie by Don McLean playing on my record player. I'm not gonna lie I love that song, I know some people hate it but I love it. I love it's timelessness, even though it was written 40+ years ago it can easily be applied to events that are going on in our world today. The world and America as we know it is going through massive changes right now, some good some bad. But in any case it's rather an exciting time to be a young adult and know that you are part of the changes that are taking place. Some day I think people will look back on two thousand teen's the same way we look back on the 1960's, as years of huge change in our culture. And American Pie reflects those changing turbulent times, at least I feel like it does.
Anyway on to outfit photos!

 Dress, Thrifted, Vintage, 25 cents (!!!)
Shoes, Marden's, Piper & Blue, 2$ or 3$
Basket, Thrifted, 1$
Bracelet, Yard Sale, Vintage, 25 cents

Okay so let me just say, I squealed when I got out to the car with this dress! I mean 25 cents for this kind of vintage is unheard of! In these photos you can't see the intricacy of the pattern or the rich texture of the fabric but let me tell you it is amazing! It fits like a glove but it isn't really the most flattering, and I attribute that mostly to the fact that modern bras don't really give you the shape that these vintage dresses were made for. Usually I don't find that to be a problem with my vintage dresses, I mean I can always tell that it's not exactly the right fit over the bra but you can never really tell, this one you can really really tell with though. But I don't care it was 25 cents and I'm going to wear this beauty with pride!
This is how I image Miss American Pie being dressed in the beginning of the song (yes that is how I interpret the song), and then at the end wearing a mini dress or something, maybe I'll do another post that shows how I think Miss American Pie would look by the end of the song.
In any case I really love this outfit. 
It's been very very hot and humid here for the past few days and we are finally getting a little break from that this morning. But it is supposed to get just as hot again by this afternoon, so I'm going to go get some things done well it's still cool.
Have a wonderful day!

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