
Friday, July 12, 2013

What to Wear - Wine (Juice) Tasting

Hi everyone!
I am a day late on this and don't even know if I can still add this to the link up, but I really wanted to post. 
I just got back from my family vacation earlier today. We weren't intending to stay this long but it was so nice  we decided to stay a few extra days. It was a wonderful trip full of lots of things, I'll do a post about it as soon as I go through all  600+ photos. In any case I had a great time and I have the bug bites to prove it!
I took these photos before I left so they are a little old, my skin is a little tan, in all honesty it's almost unnoticeable. But for me getting even half a shade darker with a tan is something. I am still extremely even with a tan though.  

Shirt, Label Shopper, Poster Girl, 4$
Pants, Walmart, 3$
Shoes, Marden's, piper & Blue, 1$
Necklaces, Thrifed and Label Shopper, 1$-2$

I am in love with this outfit! I feel like it's the perfect combo of girly and edgy with maybe a touch of punk (I know not really). I would totally wear this to taste wine or juice in my case since I'm under age and don't drink. But I do love the idea of wine tasting and maybe I'll do it some day, I don't even know if I like wine haha, the wild blueberry wine we have around here does smell pretty good.
I've had these pants in my draw for awhile now and just hadn't found anything to wear them with until now. Now i seem to have a bunch of things to match them with.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I can't wait to get my vacation post up for you.
Have a great day all and don't for get to check out the link up on Nicole's blog Gypsy in Jasper
Our little link up seems to be getting smaller and smaller each time so please please feel free to join us with your look! I really really love this little what to wear series and it would be great to see more people get into it! Join us on July 25th when we show off What to Wear Camping style! It should be really fun since I actually did camp a bit this week. 

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